Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

If you had told me 6 months ago that my life would look like it does today, I would have laughed in your face. A career change, a new house, thoroughly adjusted expectations and completely different routines. I've come to accept that the overarching theme for 2024 is "Expect the Unexpected." 

In September, I accepted a new job offer as a procurement agent at Insitu. I was not anticipating changing jobs, but when it became absolutely apparent that we had been priced out of the housing market in the first half of the year, I started looking at increasing my income. I've worked as a buyer before in the electronics industry, and really love the work. It's not a creative job, but I am blessed with a brain that sees patterns and processes, that craves information and problem-solving. Even after being out of the industry for 3 years, I have been able to quickly fit back in, excelling in ways that have surprised even myself. 

Immediately after starting the new job, we were able to put an offer in on a vintage 1940's house in one of the Gorge communities, which was quickly accepted and the ball got rolling. While the purchasing process was fairly streamlined, once we got into the house we found that there was a lot more work (and deep cleaning!) that needed to be done than we originally anticipated (yes, even with going through inspections and such.) Each project has been an uphill battle, it seems. Much like metalsmithing, but in a much larger format! 

We have refinished the wood floors, re-done the bathroom, and painted the laundry room so far. Our largest battle at the moment is the plumbing system as we have discovered root intrusion in the septic pipe, along with what seems to be some sort of vapor lock. Because of our budget and restricted yard layout, this means we get to "Dig For Gold!" down to the septic pipe ourselves to try to solve the issue--super fun in the middle of winter. As we were digging last weekend in the rain and mud, I had to laugh, thinking about my dad making us shovel manure as kids. I could imagine him saying, "Hey Kid! All that shoveling shit sure came in handy, huh?!"

Along the way, we have had a variety of other little mishaps like flat tires, health issues, disappearing washer and dryer deliveries, along with a loved one ending up in the hospital.

I am someone who generally has a pretty full schedule. After screaming obscenities at the Universe while trying to figure out how to maintain my schedule and handle everything, I realized that I would have to just give in. The messages I was getting were to clear everything off of my plate except for caring for my loved one, and to ask for or accept the offers of help that were coming my way. That could be something small like asking for simple meal ideas for Christmas Dinner from a dear friend because my brain simply could not process that task, or something larger like having another friend come over and help unpack boxes and organize our house. Sometimes asking for help is asking for something to be taken off your plate--in my case, this was working a weekend shift for the holidays at Chemistry, along with house sitting that I had committed to months ago.

Asking for help or accepting help from others is one of the things I struggle with the most in life, next to saying "No." 

I've learned that the people that love me will hold me up and support me through my struggles in whatever ways they can, and for that I am forever grateful. Through this whole experience, I have been thinking of what my word of the year will be for 2025. A month ago, I thought it would be "Yes," because I want to say yes to more experiences. Now I know it has to be "Flow," as in "go with the flow." A reminder to stop fighting the Universe, and that the only way around is through.

Do you have a word of the year for 2025? If so, what is it?

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My word for 2024 was resilience.
For 2025 it’s gladness. A friend said she liked that because it invoked gratitude and happiness.

Alice Rider

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