An Adventure in Adaptation - Exploring Communit...
Well, the past few weeks have certainly been an adventure in adaptation! My new studio is officially set up, we are settled in (despite still having packed boxes) and are...
An Adventure in Adaptation - Exploring Communit...
Well, the past few weeks have certainly been an adventure in adaptation! My new studio is officially set up, we are settled in (despite still having packed boxes) and are...
Gorge + Us
My new studio space is *much* smaller than my previous one, but I'm figuring out a good layout for everything and getting it organized. The good thing about small spaces...
Gorge + Us
My new studio space is *much* smaller than my previous one, but I'm figuring out a good layout for everything and getting it organized. The good thing about small spaces...
How to Clean Your Silver Jewelry
One of the most common questions I get is, "How do I clean my silver jewelry?" Cleaning jewelry can be a daunting task to anyone! But worry not--I have some...
How to Clean Your Silver Jewelry
One of the most common questions I get is, "How do I clean my silver jewelry?" Cleaning jewelry can be a daunting task to anyone! But worry not--I have some...
Looking Back, Looking Forward
2022 has been a WILD year. The energy of this year started off a little sluggish, and then propelled into a wild rocket-fueled frenzy. It was my year of COURAGE...
Looking Back, Looking Forward
2022 has been a WILD year. The energy of this year started off a little sluggish, and then propelled into a wild rocket-fueled frenzy. It was my year of COURAGE...
The Balancing Act of an Artist
It is amazing what you can do when you have the time and space for creativity. Yesterday, at the show I was doing, a former teacher and mentor fell in...
The Balancing Act of an Artist
It is amazing what you can do when you have the time and space for creativity. Yesterday, at the show I was doing, a former teacher and mentor fell in...
A Case of Wayward Jewelry
I recently sent some of my best jewelry pieces to New York City to be in a pop-up shop, and was soooo excited about it. I shared it in my...
A Case of Wayward Jewelry
I recently sent some of my best jewelry pieces to New York City to be in a pop-up shop, and was soooo excited about it. I shared it in my...